
Documents relating to representation of the applicant or holder


This service makes performing procedures related to trademarks and trade names simple online. These include:


  • Document conferring authorisation or power of attorney
  • Appointment of representative
  • Revocation of power of attorney
  • Renunciation of power of attorney


Through the corresponding web form. Main characteristics:


  • New web interface: the new design has been developed prioritising usability, accessibility and adaptation to mobile devices.
  • Auto-adjustable interface for different devices: PCs, mobiles, tablets.
  • You will instantly receive the registration number for your application.
  • Online checks and controls help avoid any errors in data entry. Information is provided about the process (whether the procedure is pertinent or not, etc.) to make processing as efficient and agile as possible.
  • Draft of applications (only available for the Power of attorney and Authorisation of Representative procedures): this functionality allows you to save a draft of your application before finalising it. You can load it at any time from the application website, using the load drafts option. Drafts are saved on the user's computer, so there is an option to save the draft on the applicant's local machine at any time during the completion of the application.
  • Confidentiality: no information is stored openly with the SPTO until the application is filed.
  • The form provides access to online help.
  • You will receive a copy of your request by email. If you do not receive this e-mail, contact SPTO’s support function.

© Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2021

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