
Industrial design application


The stages in the online application for the registration of industrial designs are as follows:

  1. Complete the web form, which is divided into various blocks. These request the following details: information on designs, including images; Union priority claim(s), if applicable; exhibition priority claim(s), if applicable; information on applicants; information on the representative; and information on designers.
    If a power of attorney is uploaded with the application, the file must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format (standard compression).
    If a translation of the First Filing of Union priority is uploaded, the file must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format (standard compression).
    If a translation of the Union Priority Certificate is uploaded, the file must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format (standard compression).
    If a translation of the Exhibition Priority Document is uploaded, the file must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format (standard compression).
    The products should also be indicated: we recommend that you use the Locarno or Eurolocarno Class terms, which can be found using the “Indication of products/Locarno Classification” search tool, which is available when adding designs.
  2. Graphic or photographic reproductions in designs, whether in black and white or colour, must not exceed 26.2x17 cm in size. (3094x2008 in pixels), and must have sufficient contrast and sharpness to ensure that the characteristics of the item subject to the requested protection can be clearly and accurately distinguished, thus permitting the enlargement or reduction of each perspective to a size of no more than 16x8 cm for the purposes of correct registration and publication. Images must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format (standard compression). Images with file sizes exceeding 10 Mb cannot be uploaded.
  3. Payment of fees for electronic applications to register industrial designs can only be made electronically and at the time of applying for the registration itself. Payments can be made in one of two ways: either using the payments gateway or by prior electronic payment. In the case of the latter, the corresponding barcode number should be entered. Where this number is not entered, the application for registration will not be processed.
  4. Advance payments made by non-electronic means, for example, at a bank, are not valid.

© Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2021

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