OpenData is the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office's portal for the publication of public data. These data are generated in reusable form to enable third parties to use them through proprietary or derived services.
Opening public data consists of publishing the information held in the public sector to make it available to all citizens in a digital, standardised and open format, following a clear structure that enables data compression. At the same time, access to this information is facilitated to promote its reuse.
This provides society – citizens, businesses and any other institution – with easy access to it for information purposes or to create new services and increase its social and commercial value.
read moreThis Standard recommends the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) resources used for filing, processing, publication, and exchange of all types of patent information. It is based in large part on Patent Cooperation Treaty, Administrative Instructions, Part 7, Annex F, Appendix I (hereafter referred to as Annex F). The term “XML resources” is intended to refer to any of the components used to create and operate an XML implementation. Although XML resources normally encompasse style sheets, W3C Schemas, and other objects, this Standard presently includes only document type definitions (DTDs), content models, elements, and a small set of character entities. For further information about the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), see
Scope of the standard: Although the DTDs referenced in Annex F were designed for use under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, it is the ambition of this Standard that they should be used by all patent offices for electronic filing. The model DTD which is reproduced as Annex A to the Standard is intended to guide the use of the international common elements (ICEs) for publishing patent documents. As the Standard evolves, other DTDs may be added to the list below.
The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) has generated its own DTD based on this standard
Link to standard WIPO ST.36
This Recommendation is an application of International Standard ISO 8879:1986, Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML); which is under review.
This Recommendation provides for the exchange of patent documents in machine-readable form on any exchange medium in a hardware-, software- and layout-independent format. Such independence of the representation of the contents of a document from their intended uses is achieved by using International Standard ISO 8879:1986, Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), to define generic identifiers which are in turn used to mark the logical structure of each patent document.
International Standard ISO 8879:1986 cannot be used per se as the basis for document processing. That is not the intention of the standard. Instead, ISO 8879 “standardizes the application of generic coding and generalized markup concepts. It provides a coherent and unambiguous syntax for describing whatever a user chooses to identify within a document” (ISO 8879:1986 page 2). The choice of tags, that is, the semantics to which the syntax applies, is left to the user.
The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) plans to modify the current data exchange takes place through this standard for the exchange of data using the Standard ST36
Link to standard WIPO ST.32
This recommendation is intended to improve the informative value of Official Gazettes, by including standard codes with the various headings which normally are printed above announcements made in those Gazettes.
The inclusion of codes to identify various headings of announcements should allow the user to find more easily those announcements which are of interest to him, without any particular knowledge of the language in which the Official Gazette is published, or without any specialized knowledge of the industrial property laws involved.
The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) has generated its own DTD based on this standard.
Link to standard WIPO ST.17
This Standard is aimed at providing guidance to national, regional and international authorities who, on the basis of national industrial property laws or international industrial property conventions, publish announcements, either on industrial design applications or on registrations of industrial designs
The purpose of the Standard is to provide logical, system-independent structures for industrial design document processing, whether for text or image data. This Standard refers to ISO Standards for country code (ISO3166), language code (ISO639), currency code (ISO4217) and ST.3 code as external schema
Link to document refered by standard ST.86 of WIPO
This Standard recommends the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) resources used for filing, processing, publication, and exchange of all types of trademark information. It is based in large part on TM-XML, Trade Mark Model at, WIPO Madrid Electronic CommunicAtions (hereafter referred to as MECA) DTD and WIPO Standard ST.36.
The term “XML resources” is intended to refer to any of the components used to create and operate an XML implementation. For further information about the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), see
The term “XML Schema” is a language for describing the structure and constraining the contents of XML documents.
There are many schema languages based on XML. This Standard recommends only the W3C XML Schema language. The term “XML Schema Definition (XSD)” is an instance of an XML schema written in the W3C's XML Schema language. An XSD defines a class of XML document instances in terms of constraints upon what elements and attributes may appear, their relationship to each other, what types of data may be in them, etc.
Link to standard WIPO ST.66
This Standard defines data elements to constitute an authority file of patent documents, as well as its structure and format.
The primary purpose of the authority file generated by an industrial property office (IPO) is to allow other IPOs and other interested parties to assess the completeness of the available patent documentation.
In order to allow consistency checks, the authority file should contain the list of all publication numbers assigned by the IP office. This may include publication numbers for which no published document is available – this can be the case for applications withdrawn shortly before the publication or for destroyed documents – as well as publication numbers for which the publication contains only bibliographic data.
Link to standard WIPO ST.37
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