OpenData is the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office's portal for the publication of public data. These data are generated in reusable form to enable third parties to use them through proprietary or derived services.
Opening public data consists of publishing the information held in the public sector to make it available to all citizens in a digital, standardised and open format, following a clear structure that enables data compression. At the same time, access to this information is facilitated to promote its reuse.
This provides society – citizens, businesses and any other institution – with easy access to it for information purposes or to create new services and increase its social and commercial value.
Format: Format in which the data can be downloaded
Specification: Reference scheme to download the data. Example including download data and schema used.
Start date: Date from which the category of data to download is available.
Last date: Date of the last update of the data available to download for the category.
Catalogue Trademarks
Last updated 13/09/2024
Catalogue of Trademarks covers reusable data for bibliographic and images of all trademarks published by SPTO.
For the years prior to the current year, the files will be grouped monthly, except for the years prior to 2016, which will be grouped annually.
Bibliographic and images: are generated daily. Daily downloading files by publication date and monthly files by the publication month.
Authority File: Inventory of all the publication numbers of Patents and Utility Models made by the OEPM from 1826 to the current date. It is a single download file that includes annual data files. The data is updated monthly.
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