
About OpenData

OpenData is the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office's portal for the publication of public data. These data are generated in reusable form to enable third parties to use them through proprietary or derived services.

Opening public data consists of publishing the information held in the public sector to make it available to all citizens in a digital, standardised and open format, following a clear structure that enables data compression. At the same time, access to this information is facilitated to promote its reuse.

This provides society – citizens, businesses and any other institution – with easy access to it for information purposes or to create new services and increase its social and commercial value.  

Why release the data

This free access to public information represents a desire to advance towards open governance based on the values of transparency, participation, service and efficiency. It also aims to promote the creation of value through the reuse of public information, facilitating the internal organisation of information systems within the Administration and promoting interoperability between public sector services.

To whom the data may be of interest

The OEPM publishes the data in a reusable format so that third parties can create services derived from them:

  1. By private initiative: services with commercial aims that contribute to generating value for citizens.
  2. By other Public Administrations: horizontal services that are useful to citizens and that include information from the different administrations.
  3. By agents interested in promoting transparency in Public Administrations: analysis and evaluation initiatives directed at public management.


Royal Decree 1495/2011 laying down implementing the Law on Reuse of Public Sector Information.


LAW 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of public sector information.


European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/98/EC, of 17 November 2003, relating to the reuse of public sector information.


For any suggestion or notification or error in the Opendata service or data, please write us by email at: opendata@oepm.es

© Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2021

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