Legal status data: Daily generated data. For the current year, daily download files by publication date and month-long download files according to publication date are available. Yearlong download files for years prior to current year.
Full text: Data generated daily but updated fortnightly. For the current year, daily download files by publication date and month-long download files according to publication date are available. Yearlong download files for years prior to current year. Since 01/01/2019 full text XML files comply with ST36 WIPO standard; prior to that date, full text XML files have a proprietary format.
Abstracts: Updated fortnightly. For the current year, unique download file for each fortnight with all abstracts of publications issued in the corresponding fortnight. Prior to the current year, unique download files for each year.
Facsimile leaflets (PDF): Updated fortnightly. Download files with daily publications for the current and last year. Prior to last year, unique download files for each year.
Authority File: Inventario de todos los números de publicación de documentos de Patentes y Modelos de Utilidad generados por la OEPM desde 1826 hasta la fecha actual.
Es un único fichero de descarga que incluye ficheros de datos anuales. Los datos se actualizan mensualmente.
Definition file of the Authority File