
Request for digitised files (Formerly online enquiry)

Technical requirements

  • To access the online registration services provided by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, users must be in possession of a certificate issued in compliance with ITU recommendation X.509.V3 (ISO/IEC 9594-8 of 1997 or later) by a certification service provider which supports advanced electronic signatures and is recognised by the Public Administration (click here to see the list of providers with certificates recognised by the @firma platform).
  • The owner of the certificate must be the account holder of a current account to which the transactions will be charged.
  • This current account must be at a bank recognised by the Tax Authority.
  • You must have an ActiveX control from the Tax Authority installed on your computer to be able to sign electronically. Please consult the installation manual if you do not have it installed.
  • You must have bar code fonts installed in the Windows 'Fonts' directory. Please consult the installation manual if you do not have them installed.
  • You must enable pop-ups from AEAT. See the configuration manual.
  • You must have Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher installed.
  • Internet Explorer 7 or later.
  • Mozilla-Firefox 3 or later


For more information, access the SPTO Online Payment option and view Downloads.

© Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2021

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