The purpose of this procedure is to request the registration of a general power of attorney to act with the SPTO in accordance with the provisions of art. 57, 2 of R.D. 687/2002, of July 12, which approves the Regulations for the execution of Law 17/2001, of December 7, on Trademarks, as well as the provisions of art. 108, 2 of R.D. 316/2017, of March 31, approving the Regulations for the execution of Law 24/2015, of July 24, on Patents. This procedure can be requested online, simply by filling out the corresponding web form on the ProtegeO platform of the SPTO.
This platform provides the following advantages to the user:
- New web interface. The new design has been developed based on criteria of usability, accessibility and adaptation to mobile devices.
- Self-adjusting interface to different devices: PC, mobiles, tablets.Online validations and controls are incorporated to avoid errors in data entry, so that processing is more efficient and agile.
- Confidentiality: clear information is not stored in the SPTO until the time of submission.
- File control for the application. The dossiers numbers for which the documentation is provided are controlled.
- You will have access to online help in the form itself.
- You will receive a copy of your application stamped by the OEPM, by email. If you do not receive it, you should contact the OEPM.
The stages in the online application for this procedure are as follows:
- Starting. Access point to the procedure, from where a new application can be created.
- Identification with Cl@ve. To continue with the process, you must identify yourself through Cl@ve, so it is essential to have an electronic certificate or be registered on the Cl@ve platform. It can be accessed as a "power of attorney" (granter) or as a "proxy" (representative).
- Applicant details. You must specify the data and address of the applicant.
- Details of the procedure. You can indicate any additional clarification
- Documentation. In this screen, you must attach the document "General Power of Attorney" whose form is available for download. Likewise, additional documentation may be incorporated, a maximum of 5 documents of 5MB each. All documents must be in pdf format.
- Presentation. In this screen, we can download a summary of the data entered in the previous screens to verify if it is correct and formalize the presentation of the request. In this same section, the electronic submission option will be presented.
ATTENTION !! In order for the application to be considered, complete and satisfactory at the SPTO, it is VERY IMPORTANT to wait for the ProtegeO "Proof of Entry" screen displayed. If we do not reach this screen, it is very likely that the request has not been completed satisfactorily and you should contact so that they can tell you how to proceed in your case.
- Receipt. The final step of the procedure is in the "justificante" section (the application is already considered submitted to the SPTO and the receipt will have been sent by email to the address indicated on the form). From this screen, you can download the receipt file in PDF format or email it to the desired email address. The PDF file with the receipt will contain the date and time of shipment and the entry registration code at the SPTO.
Telephones: 910 780 780 and 902 157 530
To be able to access the services provided by the Electronic Register of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, applicants must have:
- Internet Explorer version 11 or higher, Mozilla, Firefox Google Chrome.
- Acrobat Reader version 11 or higher. Download Adobe Reader.